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A little bit about me:

Hello beautiful human of the world, nice to meet you!


My name is Kailey and I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. I feel lucky to have an amazing family, and friends that fill my heart with joy. I love 80's movies, I hate lizards, I drink iced coffee like it's going out of style and I could eat ice cream any time, day or night. 

I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home where I was encouraged to find something I love and fervently pursue it. For as far back as I can remember, writing has been that love. Putting words to paper has always come natural to me, but I don't think it was until undergrad when I realized it's not just words I'm passionate about, it's the people and the stories behind them.


I attended Baylor University, where I graduated in 2018 with a bachelor's in journalism and a concentration in marketing. I then spent two years working as a copywriter at a boutique marketing agency in Dallas before returning to Baylor in August of 2020 to pursue a master's in journalism.

My goal as a human on this spinning space rock is to love God, love others, emit joy and live life to the fullest. My goal as a professional is to bring words to life in a way that enables others to embrace the beauty around them. Anything that allows those two things to merge is holy ground for me.


Thanks for joining me on this journey! Reach out and let's grab coffee sometime. 

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